Català | Español

Funded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Principal investigator: Dr. M. Teresa Turell Julià. 2004-2008. HUM 2004-05404-C02-01.


This Project is developing and applying the theoretical and methodological aspects that are relevant in the analysis of apparent time and real time in studies of internal and external sociolinguistic variation. The general analytical scope through which linguistic behaviour in real time is being addressed involves going back to several Catalan-speaking communities, which were analysed in the past, in order to be able to study them in real time. These communities are: El Pont de Suert, in the Ribagorça county (North-Western dialect of Catalan); La Canonja, in the Tarragonés (Eastern dialect of Catalan); Benicarló, in the Baix Maestrat (Valencian North-Western dialect), and Petrer, in the Vinalopó Mitjà (Alacant).

The theoretical and methodological model used is the Theory of Language Variation and Change following the Labovian tradition; accordingly, the same instruments of data collection and the same methods and techniques that were used in the past are being used again: namely, sample stratification, sociolinguistic interview, formal tests, VARBRUL 2 and 3, GOLDVARB2001.

The specific experimental design involves the adoption of two types of study: a) trend studies, which imply the selection of the same type of stratified population by age groups, using the same instruments and the same techniques, yet several years later, and b) panel studies, which involve the location of the same individuals that participated in the study in apparent time and the control of their language behaviour changes by using exactly the same instruments that were used in the past.

This study involves 4 coordinated Projects developed in 4 speech communities: El Pont de Suert, a village in the catalan region of Ribagorça, La Canonja, a small municipality in the Tarragonès county, Benicarló, a municipality in the Baix Maestrat county, and Petrer, a small village in Alacant. Also, 4 universities are involved: Universitat de Lleida, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, and Universitat d’Alacant.

Universitat d'Alacant Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Last update: 7-03-2008