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[16/11/15] M. Teresa Cabré coordinates the monographic issue on lexical neology in the latest issue of Caplletra

"Lexical neology: Latest research on Catalan" is the title of the monographic study coordinated by M. Teresa Cabré in the latest issue of the Caplletra journal (No 59 Autumn 2015).

The issue contains the following articles by members of the OBNEO group:

It also brings together and includes articles by the researchers in charge of the NEOXOC network nodes coordinated by the Observatory: Jordi Ginebra, Joan Julià and Josep Martines.

Caplletra, Revista Internacional de Filologia, co-edited by the Inter-university Institute for Valencian Language Studies (IIFV) and Publicacions de l'Abadia Montserrat (PAM), is published in paper and digital formats and has obtained an ‘A’ at the CARHUS+ rating (2014). Open access to it will be soon available from the OJS platform of the University of Valencia. Its contents and a summary of the articles can already be found in the RACO repository.