Institut de Lingüística Aplicada

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[31/07/15] Recent activities of the IULATERM group

Here you can see a summary of the most remarkable research activities carried out by the members of the IULATERM group:

  1. Participation of doctors M Teresa Cabré and Mercè Lorente in the annual assembly of the REALITER network, which took place in Brussels last June.
  2. Closure of the projects Vocabulary of geothermal energy and Vocabulary of smart cities of the REALITER network, both coordinated by the Catholic University of Milan, with IULATERM working on the Catalan versions.
  3. Publication of issue 11 (June 2015) of the Teminàlia magazine of IEC. M Teresa cabré is its director and Mercè Lorente editor in chief. It includes an article written by Alba Coll, one of IULATERM's researchers.
  4. Research and teaching fellowship of Dr Rosa Estopà between July and September invited by the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Portoalegre)