Institut de Lingüística Aplicada

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[18/03/14] The UVAL group participated in the organisation of the Language and Ideology Conference (LID2014)

The Language and Ideology Conference (LID2014) was held last Friday, 14 March 2014, organised by the Linguistic Variation Research Unit (UVAL) at the University Institute for Applied Linguistics and the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Raquel Casesnoves, as its coordinator, and Anna Tudela, were members of the organising team.

The goal of the Conference, which was open to everyone, was to offer an overview of the work and studies carried out on the different relationships that can be established between language and ideology within the Spanish State, with special emphasis on the Catalan case.

More information: La llengua i la ideologia a debat, La veu del País Valencià (15 marzo 2014) / Language and ideology in discussion, The voice of the Valencian Country (15 March 2014)